After I investigate this deeper and found that newly changed user acoount should be listed under MOM server Administrative users . Once it did it worked fine .
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
ServiceManger:The “start request” timed out in StreamServe Control Center.
After I investigate this deeper and found that newly changed user acoount should be listed under MOM server Administrative users . Once it did it worked fine .
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
How to configure java in streamserve control center
So for that as a prerequisite we need to configure java in control center . Even though control center admin guide has been explained the process, i thought its worth the explain here again with pictures.
First install the java.
Right click on the application what ever you want to configure java.
Then change vender to the Oracle .Thats all for the control center .
Then we need to set STRS_JVM and STRS_JAVA_HOME variables in .environment file so for that navigate to the streamserver installation folder .
In my case its like below
C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenText\StreamServe\Applications\StreamServer\5.6.1\Server\bin and open .environment file under admin mode. Other wise it will not allow to save.
Set STRS_JVM and STRS_JAVA_HOME accroding to the your java installtion .
We are done now . then resrat the service. if there are no issues service will be started .other wise errors will be deplayed on strs_boot.log file .
Enable log in streamserve(dsrv.log)
In order to display dsrv log we should activate logging in the relevent platform file .
Go the relevent platform in the design center .
right click on the platform and go to the configure platform option.
Here after below dialog will be displayed . under log tab check the enable logging check box and there are fiew other options whci you can configure .
You can define the name for log file and specifiy the log level as well.
If these setting are ok drsv log should be diplayed on your control center .
Apart from above fact there may be few another cases where dsrv log not displayed in the control center . please refer the below url for that .(from steamshare forum)
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Sort blocks in the StreamServe
Some instances we need to sort blocks in the stream server mom development. Think a scenario like below. I have stream file in below architecture.
But I need to print it like below,
There are several way to achieve this task.Doing by MAK is very extensive task.So here im going to play with block sorting option.
I use PMS241 as my demo project.
First go the event.and double click on it
Identify the blocks that you want to sort and apply the sort block priority as below.(In my case case blocks are PMS2414L and PMS2414M.
Set 4L block priority
Set 4M block priority.
We are done now.Block sort priority lower one come first.That means number is low, then it is get prioritized. same as the M3 print out sorting order.
Finally save and deploy. It should work.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
How to hide overlay in StreamServe
In some times you have to hide the overlay in stream serve dynamically. For a example if the activity is print you want to skip the overlay and if its mail need to continue with the overlay.But in this case you cannot use normal Skip function as overlays are static content. But there are several ways to do this task and in this post am going tell you to do this via a variable which is used the the overlay properties.
So first you have to go to the overlay properties and assign variable for it.
Assign variable name as mentioned above(you can have any name for the variable and same should use in the script part.) Please make sure to Tick the “supress overlay” check box.
Now we are done in the overlay.
Then move the Body or what ever page that you use the overlay and add a script before page load event and apply below code.
In this example I going to skip the overlay when the activity is prints
if(&mvx_activity ==”PRINT”){
$prabodha = “TRUE”;
$prabodha = “FALSE”;
Bingo it should work.